Jessica Lee Schenk invisible lover

Beloved you can’t see me, but I am here. Let me love you perfectly and rescue you from fear. I try to tell you softly how much you mean to me. All I want is you. Let’s live eternally. This love for you is painful. I’m jealous just for you. My heart will not be satisfied until you say “I do”. These words are from my heart. They’ve been growing for some time. Beloved I am yours. Will you be mine?
What do I say to someone I love dearly? Someone with whom I’ve shared so many life experiences. Someone who has always been there for me. Who has given me a sense of worth. Who has helped me to understand myself. Who brings me to a higher standard. Who inspires me. Who influences me. Who tells me the truth even when it hurts. Who causes my heart to break when I realize I’ve already broken His. This person is always there for me and I know he always will be. But lately I just don’t know what to say or how to start a conversation. I am silent toward him because I don’t know what will happen once our hearts connect again. I’ve forgotten. Deep inside I fear that maybe he is disappointed in me, or angry at me. My heart is stagnant waters that need to be stirred. I know this person is best for me, but for a long time now I just haven’t felt anything for him. I know I will never let him go, but he seems so far away and I don’t know how to touch him once again, how to bring him close. Somewhere deep inside my heart I think he is too busy for me, that he has much more important things to attend to. But I know that without him I am meaningless - that my future will be nothing if he is not with me every step of the way. And as I finally begin to acknowledge these things between me and him, I realize these are the fears blocking me from him. And as tears drop as my heart stops, I am able to take one step closer. I feel a sense of relief as my heart begins to beat. Maybe it’s not too late to begin again where we left off. Maybe this is the beginning of something totally new. God, let it be true. I need you. I need you.
Though your heart feels empty and dry towards me, don’t be afraid. It’s just a season. At the right time, you will long for me again. You will cry for my love. Your heart will earnestly cry for my presence. Then you will remember the feelings you have for me. For some time you’ve felt guilty because of your indifference towards me. But I want you to know that I never stopped loving you. Nothing can change my desire for you. Nothing will ever change my commitment to you. And though you hide from me, I still listen to every thought in your heart. Wait patiently, listen to my voice, hear my words, and we will be in perfect unity once again. Then you will rejoice. You will rejoice again in your love for me, and it will feel like our wedding day. I want you to know, I never doubted your love. In the midst of your indifference, I never left you. I never waivered. My perfect love is not dependent on you. I simply welcome you to participate and experience my love with no fear.
The husband that I really need, draw near. You promised me you’ll never leave, draw near.
The husband that you really need, I’m here. I promised you I’ll never leave. I’m here.