Johnny Hallyday hey joe

Hey Joe, don't run like that, say
There's no fire in your house
Hey Joe, come say hello
You won't die
I come home at whatever time I please
I don't even have a watch anymore, I have plenty of time
What awaits me at home, I know
Nothing but a cold bed, with no one in it
Hey Joe, let's talk, eh
But about what?
Hey Joe, Vietnam, the bomb
You don't care about any of that
As you say, life is the metro at six o'clock
And each for himself, but for you Joe
There's always a place, but not for me
Hey, hey, Joe
Why are your fingers full of luck?
Hey, hey Joe
When you were born, what did you ride in?
Your pockets are always full
The car of the year
Say so, my word, we forget
That you are so ugly
Me Joe, you see, I have nothing left
I thought I had a daughter
Good   me, but it seems, Joe
That she is now sleeping between your sheets, well done
You see Joe
Yesterday I dreamed of having your skin
But Joe
I'd rather see you suffer
And this girl, I'm giving you a gift
Good luck, Joe