Kent dom som frsvann

I've burned my records
I set your letters on fire
And the ashes lie in drifts
The sunflower boy he smiles
He prays and begs
T And fire on your thoughts
With your black silent tears
And we know, and you know, everything ends
Slowly through the room she goes out
Come let us go here
Let us travel somewhere
Travel far from home
Let us be the ones who got lost
Come so we forget them The sun
He smokes in our sun
Come and warm yourself in the glow
Morning ¥n our smoking home, the floors sing again
You give us cold drives
With your black silent tears
And we know, everyone knows, everything comes to an end
Slowly through the rooms she goes out
Come on let's go to bed
L Let us travel nowhere
Travel far from here
Let us be those who lost
The camera glides over golden yellow tape
(Yes we know, you need help)
The city gives Am I crazy tonight
(You will never find home again)
Want to give everything tonight
You will never be yourself again
You will never be yourself again
You will never be yourself again
You will never be yourself again
The camera slides to จ¶ver golden yellow fĂĂĄt
(Yes we know, you need help)
This town is driving me crazy again
(You will never be yourself again)
And I really think my soul is dying of sweat
You get tired Tired of your damn nagging
You get tired of your damn nagging
You get tired of your damn nagging
You get tired of your damn nagging
You get tired of your damn whining
You get tired of your damn whining
You get tired of your damn whining