Kurt Rock trailer park

[Verse 1]
I'm sitting here on Christmas Eve just beefed on twitter with Talib Kweli over some bullshit that involved race I'm not racist but I can't speak for him but it was pointless & then for 3 hours I was the 7th most mentioned person on twitter from the shit I don't care if people are aware of that. I don't now how I could help but care that I had my mixtape online for 1 day and only 4 downloads. I felt like I ain't worth shit. 5 whole months of stressing and working my ass off and this is what I get. I released it the same day as Joell Ortiz & Wale. What do I have to say one had like 10k and the other like 5k. I felt I put all this work in and no one gave a shit. I'm not going to sit here and throw a fit but I ain't whining and moping ether but Should I make a diss track like ether FUCK NO
I don't want to do career suicide before it started. I just have my eyes opened wide & just need to have more pride. Jesus help me get over this I don't want to get depressed again and cover it up for like 4 years and no one knew
I want to keep my life going up. My single is starting to do alright but does it mean what I'm doing is right
I ask myself these questions like
Do I belong in Hip Hop?
Should I be like Taylor swift and sell out then do pop?
Should I have kept doing Rock?
Should I even be doing music?
Should I get my screws fixed. I don't get how this couldn't be horse shit. My shit ain't wack. I write dope shit and take a long time doing it
I put most of my time, money, & heart into shit. Fuck
I spend 2 whole weeks just to fully mix a freestyle best one I've ever spit
[Verse 2]
If I didn't start this not giving a fuck attitude
Would I be here today?
Or Would I end up another guy dead on the highway?
Jesus helped he cope through it or I wouldn't have made it through it?
If I didn't discover Hip Hop
Would I be sitting here writing this song? or be one of the few who didn't make it along?
I got strong and music & Jesus helped me through it
They say music is therapy and it is true because I had a real therapist for about a year and it was fucking worthless. Just another person to make me worth less. Talking to this idiot just made me more stressed
I really had no happiness until I discovered Em, Pac, & 50 then I started to think better
Cope through alot of the shit going along in life during the time. I hate writing shit like this but I talk real shit
That is the kind of spark to a kid in the Trailer Park