Kyber Krystals a star named after you

Why didn't I turn around
Was watching the leaves
fall on the ground
Now I must confess
You're finally free
cause I am such a mess
I Hope you let your spirit glow
Cause you are so beautiful
This is your song and it will be locked
To your heartbeat
Still don't know if I could stand
Us being nothing more than friends
It will be good for both of us
If you let it be
There is a star named after you
There is a star named after you
Were I fire and ice
Was easy to see
the storm in your eyes
Then if felt like a test
When you disappeared
Just like the rest
I promise I won't make it bad
You're so longer in my heart
But instead of feeling sad
I am relieved
And if by any chance we meet
I would never cross the street
I'm gonna wave my hand at you
cause I believe
There is a star named after you
There is a star named after you
There is a star named after you