Our Life Story over thinking

Can you speak up, articulate. Everything that's on your mind. You're out of line and you're wasting my time. At least I tried, at least I tried. (that's more than you can say) You're voice became the ringing in my ears. Here I am over-thinking again, too many things left on my mind and I hate to say it, but the days have come and gone. And I swear to god I'd do anything for Spring to finally come. What happened to the time when we were friends? And everything seemed easier. It could never last, you're stuck in the past. It's been building up to this and I won't hold a single thing in. You say I've changed but so have you. I never asked for anything. The weather brings a change in me and takes away the air I breathe. I'd rather change than stay the same. The snow may be beautiful, but I don't know if I'll make it through the winter. The air here is so cold and it makes me colder everyday.

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