Pointing Finger corrupted fall

fat tied assholes doing nothing except showing off
there's a country to rule but they always manage to sneak off
laws that could help us live in a better way
execution of those laws seem so far away
but that guy doesn't care he doesn't care at all
filling his pockets it's a shame!
corrupted fall
controlling media by corruption for better headlines
taxes that we pay serve to ensure more lies
constitutions so well written but the practice means bureaucracy
the system is corrupted there's no morality
but that guy doesn't care he doesn't care at all
filling his pockets it's a shame!
corrupted fall
justice like it is written isn't the same to everyone
the poor go to jail while the rich are out there having fun
politicians don't care about the people who elected them
they just care about money they just care about fame
it's always the same they're the ones to blame
but that guy doesn't care he doesn't care at all
filling his pockets it's a shame!
corrupted fall