Rick Barry a perfect portrait

Everything that I once owned no longer belongs to me now.
And I'm nothing like I was before, I'm more like a circus freak now.
Standing in a cage people stare and point my way
and everything I've ever loved I'm eager to betray.
Of all the names I've known before I relate the most to Judas.
Say what you will, at least the man was ambitious.
Some silver for his purse and when it came time to choose
he traded in his fortune for the comfort of a noose
and I could never be so courageous.
No I'm the perfect portait of a coward,
too regretful to look back, and yet too nervous to move forward.
The shadow on your eyes Mary makes you look like common street trash.
A beauty in disguise as the upper crust of the middle class.
As your apostles gather round and your glory is abound,
everybody knew at once salvation could be found.
And I'm the perfect portrait of a coward.
I'm just two feet from the ledge, yet too fearful to step forward.
And I must admit I was a bit skeptical.
I've never wasted much time on miracles
and a vision realized in full not just in part can easily lift the albatross that's shackled to your heart
but I've yet to hear that call.
Yeah I'm a vision of a heart's betrayal.
Scared to take a chance in fear I might fail.
And I'm the perfect portrait of a coward,
too regretful to look back, and yet too nervous to move forward.