Rosario tuyo siempre

If you ever don't see me again
Because I, like everything else, forget it
Something will always remain inside you
Something that I once left you
It doesn't matter if you don't come with me
And this trip is better done alone
I'm going to remember you every day
Because a love like that is never forgotten
It will follow you everywhere if I would return to the city
If you give me another chance
To start over better than before
I want to see you every moment of my life
I will never lie again
Because a love like that is never forgotten
Because I am not going to forget you.
I will follow you everywhere if I came back to the city
If you give me another chance
You better try forget you
Because there is a lot of time ahead
Something will always remain inside you
Something that I once left you
Because I am not going to forget you
Because I won't , no, no, no, I can forget you