Scott Simpson the fifty one percent

From Birmingham on up to DC
Across the middle and from sea to shining sea
It's rising—just watch and see
May be tough for you to understand
That's why I'm splainin' to you man to man to man
C'mon fellas, take a knee...
Your private plumbing don't buy you a public pass
Don't matter if the man in charge is both pachyderm and jackass
Any preacher, judge or politician is as slimy as a week old bass
If he relegates the 51 percent to second class.
I don't care what you hang from your ball hitch
I don't care where you spit or scratch your itch
We ain't talkin' bout mere etiquette.
This is more than fixin' a sexist snub
This is pullin' down the pillars of the Ol' Boys Club
You best watch you head—you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Your private plumbing don't buy you a public pass
Don't matter if the man in charge is both pachyderm and jackass
Any preacher, judge or politician is as slimy as a week old bass
If he relegates the 51 percent to second class.
Your private plumbing don't buy you a public pass
Don't matter if the man in charge is both pachyderm and jackass
Any preacher, judge or politician is as slimy as a week old bass
If he relegates the 51 percent to second class.
Your private plumbing don't buy you a public pass
Don't matter if the man in charge is both pachyderm and jackass
Any preacher, judge or politician is as slimy as a week old bass
If he relegates the 51 percent to second class.