Sonne Hagal midsummernight

red-hot midsummer
torrid winds do moan
earth of dust and crevice
put us off to roam
no rain was falling
since spring passed by
and this red midsummer
turns into our decay
through that heat
above sand so roan
swirls the blackbird's song
joined by the old trees' groan
locusts sing
in bright sunshine
and this red midsummer
turns into our decay
place a cross of leaves
may there be strength to grow
let us dance this rite
call on the help of Thorr
the wooden pole,
wreath and midsummer prayer
help us to avert
this imminent decay
the Holly King
beats now the King of Oak
yet burn the holy herbs
Vervain and Saint John's Wort
the child then the Old Man
cast them into the flames
now this red-hot midsummer
is gifted a silver ray
Over the stone