Spasmodic fabulous love making

His name was Ricky. He lived in a house with his father.
He like beans. Mostly grateful.
He can't read. 14 years old.
His sister Becky. Lives in a trailer outside the house.
Beauty queen. She's not very christian.
She likes guns. Click, clock, pop.
Their mother committed suicide due to her depression.
Walking with the lord now.
Married to a psychopath. Her ashes spread over Barken.
He walked alone in the darkness.
Down to the trailer with supper.
Oh Ricky! Touch my hand brother.
I can feel your eyes working my legs.
I can take you to places, yeah maybe to the mall.
Looking for a way to escape to run away.
I think I'm gonna kill him.
So we can make love in peace.
Her menstrual cycle stopped after our father tried to kill her.
Poison. In her diet.
Inbreed. There is no risk.
Tender kisses of pure love mixing the same blood.
Making love in the silence.
Secrets. It all stays here. It all stays here.
I hate it when your breath reminds me of his naughty parts.
His dirty naughty parts.
Frustration knows no end I'm gonna drown him in the herring.
I'm gonna kill him.
Oh Ricky! Touch my hand brother.
I can feel your eyes working my legs.
I can take you to places, yeah maybe to the mall.
Looking for a way to escape to run away.
I think I'm gonna kill him.
So we can make love in peace.