Still Living sincere

Maybe if I yelled then you might listen
Would that be a better way
To get your full attention
And if you'd ever let me get a parting word in
Then I might be able
(to say what I need to)
Forever have a better grip on this
But honestly
I've given myself up for full disclosure
That was never quite enough
For you to see
How I sincerely meant everything
Were you ever sincere with me
I've been biting my tongue
(and now we've both had enough)
I wish you'd just grow up
If I can find a way to bridge the space we made
I would
But I can't and I'm done
When you threw me away
Did that mean anything
At the end of the day
Were you absent for your sake
Don't hold your breath
You break, I mend
And now we're at this again
When will this fucking end
I know I don't see you so often
My hope is that can change somehow
I know I don't see you so often
My hope is that can change somehow
But honestly
I've given myself up for full disclosure
That was never quite enough
For you to see
How so sincerely I'm speaking
You were never sincere with me