Tele Novella no excalibur

Silence is delivering its
Monologue to the dumbstruck night
Eighteen layers of paint on the house crying so softly in this quiet
Oh, I have known so many nights like this
I'm on my own, I'm on my own
A statue, fully-formed, in the middle of a stone
I'm no Excalibur,
I'll get out on my own
Dancing streets step on my feet
I myself never learned to lead
Orphan dreams growing like weeds
I've got my pockets filled with seeds
Oh, I have known so many nights like this
I'm on my own, I'm on my own
I called into the night and got a cosmic dial tone
Don't try to cut it out, it goes straight to the bone
All I have is a grain of sand
Pressed in the precious mouth of an oyster
Though it's slight, I'm up all night
Who am I to find a pea under the mattress?
Yet--I can feel it rise
It brings tears to my eyes and decorates my whole life
Reel in the line
Hold it up to the light
I know what I've got But I don
't know why they ever bite.
released 08 November 2013all rights reserved