The Larkins kiss and tell

The Larkins
The Larkins
Kiss And Tell
Hand in hand
Side by side
Day by day
Night after night
I've had one thing on my mind
I've kept you in the dark
It's time for a heart to heart
This secret's eating my alive
I wanna kiss and tell you
How much I love you
And I think the whole world of you
I never wanna be over being under your spell
This feeling keeps getting stronger
I can't hold it inside any longer
Everybody's gonna know how hard I fell
I'm ready to kiss and tell
My pulse is pounding
My head is reeling
I can feel my nail polish peeling
There's a fire from my toes to my fingertips
Oh I could tell you with X's and O's
But the paper's just a little too cold
So pucker up baby and read my lips
(Chorus 3x)
Well I'm ready to kiss and tell