The Lil Dudes ridley lover

The Lil Dudes
I'm Smiling... Inside
Ridley Lover
Ridley. Lover.
Facing new challenges day after day.
She’s a Ridley lover.
Nothing’s gonna stand in her way!
She’s ugly.
She’s ugly.
Really ugly.
She’s ugly.
Some people say: she’ll burn out their eyes!
She’s un-perfect.
Certain people shout: she’s one they despise!
She’s surly! Maybe prickly?
Perhaps she’s a porcupine!
She’s freaky! Oh so geeky!
Yet none of these things are lies!
She’s a Ridley lover!
Facing new challenges day after day!
She’s a Ridley lover!
Nothings gonna stand in her way!
I’m hyper.
I’m hyper.
I’m so hyper.
I’m hyper.
Specific people say: I fried my mind!
A loser.
A loser.
I’m a loser.
A loser.
Many people say: I have much free time!
I’m erratic! Outlandish?
I’m definitely not all right!
I’m nerdy! Possibly zany?
Who knows, maybe I could fly!
I’m a jerk! I’ve got grit! I’m a female!
Always fight my best each and everyday!
I am never not very vile!
I’m vicious!
I’m evil!
Yet I love Ridley!
What more can I say?
I’m a Ridley lover!
Facing new challenges day after day!
I’m a Ridley lover!
Nothing’s gonna stand in my way!
I will get him!
With tricks and lies!
Nothing’s gonna stand in my way!