THE WANKERS katie s song

Katie's song
Album: no saggy tips!
Once upon a time
In a place lots like this
Lived a lady who's special
Who we're all bound to miss
She's finally made her way through it
There's nothing left here for her now
And she's off to her college
She's bound to make it somehow
Because she's beautiful
Has talent up the wazzoo
And if you ever need something
She'll always be there for you
She touches everyone
She leaves her mark
And though she is gone away
She'll stay in our hearts
There's so much I want to say
I want to tell you how much you mean to me
Before you go on your way
When you feel weary and you're longing for home
There's no need to fear because you're never alone
We'll always be there for you like you've been there for us
And if you ever need us we can hop on a bus
And go visit Kathy
It's not once upon a time
In fact it's happening right now
Katie's heading off