Tim Backer danger fallen rock feat alamogordo

Just pulled away from the roadblock
Twenty-five cops and a dark blue Fed
Can't believe I'm not in the cellblock
What's going on here? Why am I not dead?
Cause I had the Jazz in the back
Zipped up in the guitar case
And he searched the car while I had a heart attack
No drugs here, kid. Get back in the race.
And holy cow! and what the hell?
Burned-out cars and howitzers line the road
Ten thousand to two against living to tell
That truck took out the powerlines before dumping his load
What am I doing here on this Devil's Highway?
Practicing for World War Three?
Will I make it to Memphis on the hellish day?
Does a pine box wait for me?
I hope she's waiting
For me at the door
Why am I risking my life?
Who is it I'm doing this for?
We were planning for marriage
Many, many years ago
She loved my mind until my spirit's miscarriage
I saw her hidden face and never let go
So this is what life during wartime is all about
And I tell you I'll be damned if I'll die
And my mind is clouded by doubt
I have to cry, but I just sigh
Lady, I hear your songs in my head
Revealing secrets, tearing into the veil
All that shit about the sexual dead
Better drown it out with the car stereo wail
I replay the tape that I loved at one time
About a Covenant Woman who's a friend so fine
Sensorium swimming from imaginary wine
The roadwind is howling and I take that as a sign
Trees splintered like 1918 France
Rock music shaking this car
I'm playing hardball and I just wanted to dance
Why didn't they just let me play guitar?
I feel like Eddie Rickenbacker
The Ace of Hearts-- does that sound silly?
Guess I'll have to crush that eastcoast cracker
Try and pick up some red hot chili
Thinking of a party in the Jungle Room
On the other side of this smoking war zone
Shot of Love going crack! bam! boom!
Bass guitar modulating the tone
Graceland! Forty miles under my wheels
Still got money to lay down at the door
I'll get by-- no big deal
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