Todtgelichter until it all begins

Now take a deep breath and flee with your thoughts into the sea.
In darkness, ideas, understanding, genius are often born.
Deep fall into the dark blue.
The soul wanders .
I'm not breathing.
Out, down, without any daylight.
I'm alone and yet a spark penetrates me from everything that breaks through the light around me.
Now get Take a deep breath and see your way in the depths.
In darkness you lose everything, everything that held you.
No oxygen.
No sound, no sound.
My mind freezes ¤rt in a deep intoxication.
Like my old existence, you rush past, you don't notice it.
Only when the veil is finally missing is it too late, you can't go back.
A whole galaxy bursts before your eyes as you die.
And everything, everything, becomes clear to you, so clear, what was, what is and will be.