Turf oh dios!

I took you to a half-star hotel that night?,
You thought he was rich but he just cheated on you??.
I don't even have the money to invite you to this cafe?,
these shoes and is this suit mine? ex-wife.
Oh God! what? sacrifice.
Oh God! Where will we end up?
Oh God! what? sacrifice.
I don't know? because everything always goes wrong for me.
In my room I only have things that take up space,
broken bottles, old newspapers, Manal records
I live lost in the delirium of this society .
Years of international laziness passed.
Oh God! what? sacrifice.
Oh God! Where will we end up?
Oh God! what? sacrifice.
I don't know? because everything always goes wrong for me.
Give me your hand and let's go where the sun never rises.
Travel by train without a ticket
with a view of the sky your seat
free air and without torment
croto the liner they call it
destiny of the dispossessed
his tattered profile
walks freely guarding his fortune...