Youth Code a litany a place to stand

There will come a day when our children's children will have to atone for the precedent set in this day and age.
This time now, where the rights and freedoms of our own bodies are governed by individuals seething with hatred in their hearts.
This era where the callous ignorance of sheltered thought dictates matters. Where women are objectified and denied the ability to control their own bodies.
Where two people in love are not able to marry and be looked upon with civility by their fellow citizens.
Where the gender that an individual identifies with is disregarded and chastised by people born in a body they feel satisfied in.
The world we exist in denies us the right to live happily.
We are continuously spoken for by voices not out own.
The age is upon us, where we stop mandating what rights other do with their free bodies.
Where we stop looking upon others as if they were just bags of discard-worthy flesh.
Where we stop the senseless ignorances and injustices, starting in our diets and ending in our decisions.
We are above, and far more compassionate than, the voiceless beast.
We are better that to let anything exist without its decisions made for itself.
The time is now.
Speak against cruelty in all living things.
Act against hatred. Stare narrow-mindedness in the face without fear of consequence.
We all have a limited time of existence.
We must do our part to stand together and promote a world where inequalities cease to exist.
We owe it to ourselves, if not the children ahead of us in our own lives. Homophobia, Sexism, Misogyny, Transphobia, Racism, Animal Cruelty, and overall inconsideracy to life on this planet must be put to an end