Boat To Row ode to work a day

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Ode To Work A Day
from Loyal Light by Boat To Row
Loyal Light cover art
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Just another number,
just another name.
my quiet restrained confusion
oh how my life has changed.
the world that breaks around me
so fragile as it turns.
my axis, keep me spinning
this lesson i have learnt.
I think i understand
like the generals cold commands
sending men over the hill
with no guns or thirst to kill
Yet the struggle lingers on
as you dodge the falling bombs
of the people doomed you meet
as they smile a lousy cheat
The men that grace the kale
you so crudely wrestle for
with no dignity of prowess
your a straw man at your core
I'll try and keep a smiling
for what else can I do
when everything around me
is sinking and untrue.
Just A piece of paper greets,
another nameless face
Your there but how you tapper still
and soon they'll be no trace