Erica Rayner-Horn guided meditation ii relaxing releasing tension in body mind

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Guided meditation two
Releasing tension in body and mind
In our second guided meditation we'll bring our awareness to releasing tension in both body and mind.
You might take a moment before beginning, to remind yourself of your intention in following this mindfullness exercise.
Practicing mindfullness means learning to stay in the present moment with friendly, non-judging and open awareness.
We're not trying to bring about a particular state, or striving to attaign anything, or control anything, but when our busy minds quiet down, and our bodies relax, our awareness expands, and we can rest in the fullness of the present moment, often we feel more deeply relaxed and peaceful.
Be open, and curious to your experience as you follow along.
When you're ready, find your comfortable meditation position, sitting on a chair or meditation cushion, or laying on the floor or a reclina, wherever you can be comfortable but alert.
It's helpful to find a quiet place away from distractions for a little while.
You may want to turn off your phone, and let others around you know not to disturb you.
Let your back be as straight as possible
allow your shoulders to drop
Rest your hands comfortably
Tuck your chin in a little
And allow your eyes to close, or to gaze softly at the floor in front of you.
Bring your awareness to the weight of your body against the chair or the floor.
Notice how you're supported, and let your body rest and become heavy.
Now bring your attention to your breath
And notice if your breathing is deep or shallow
Fast or slow
Become aware of whether you're breathing high up in your chest, or down in your belly.
And without forcing it any way, allow your breathing to deepen into your abdomen.
Let your exhalations become longer and smoother and allow your abdomen to soften and relax.
Notice how it rises an falls with each inbreath and outbreath.
Now, holding your whole body gently in your awareness, scan your body. Notice any sensations of warmth, or tingling, or tightness.
Notice any areas where you're holding tension.
Starting with your toes, bring your attention to your feet. Wiggling your toes, and flexing your ankles. Then let your feet rest.
Bring your attention to your legs. And your thighs. Let them become heavy, and relax.
Focusing on your torso, bring your attention to your belly. To your stomach, and on, up to your chest. Notice your breathing, allowing each breath to help you relax more deeply.
Bring your attention to your hands, to your wrists, to your elbows, and arms.
Feeling the weight resting against you body, or the chair.
Let your back and your shoulders soften.
Let them relax and release any tension.
Now bring your awareness to your face, to your neck and head, letting your jaw loosen and letting the muscles of your face relax.
Now scan your body again, and notice if there's any area of tension remaining in your body and gently bring your attention there.
Breathe into this area and let your exhalation soften the tension. allowing it to release and resolve.
Open and gently soften around any tension or tightness, let it go.
You might sigh softly as if you're releasing a heavy load
You might smile to yourself and gently remind yourself:
I can let go of this now.
Let go into gravity, let your weight be supported and allow your breating to come naturally and effortlessly.
If thought arise, just be aware of them coming, and aware of them going. Like clouds, passing across an empty sky, and return your attention to you body and breath.
Let your body and your mind be at ease, rest deeply in the experience of just being in this moment.
Nothing to change, nothing tom improve on, nowhere to go.
Just this present moment of being fully alive.
Remind yourself that you can return to this place, a deep relaxed presence, any time you choose.
Just take a moment before you leave this meditation, notice how you feel and remember that you can take this relaxed presence into all your activities, and when you feel yourself becoming busy, speedy, tense, you can reming yourself to return, just for a moment.
Find your breath, let you belly soften and return to the present moment.
Take your time and gently open your eyes and look around you.
Notice how you feel as you return to the room.