Ghostwolf the merchant and the wolf

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The wolves of war are hunting the vast sea
The merchants brave the frigid waters vital supplies their carrying
The island nation of Britain relying on these merchant vessels
The wolves lay in wait seek and destroy deploy missals
Churchill knows the balance of war can be tipped
If they don't find a way to protect their supplies their ships
Crossing the vast Atlantic Ocean from Canada, The U.S.
Though neutral Roosevelt wanted to help his friend in distress
He faced opposition from the U.S. congress
Europe's war is Europe's war they fell they should be left
To settle it on their own but what they don't know
The Nazis have no plan of stopping their goal conquer the world
The Merchant braves the cold waves sailing the deep
The Wolf lays in wait poised to strike them striking with heat
Victory measured in tonnage the wolf seeks
To sink the brave Merchant sending hope back to the deep
All fear the mighty Uboat ace Star
Hero to the Germans like Otto Kretchmar
Menace to the allies can't detect where they are
But never turning back no they came way too far
The British send escorts of Battle ships yes
To guide the Merchant ships on their long journey the stress
Detecting Uboats on the surface in the night
The journey is so treacherous they find it hard to fight
German uboat commanders where aware of it all
Early sonar could only detect them when their submerged the flaw
From 1940-41 the Germans had sunk
282 allied ships over a million tons
The convoys were soon to include old US battle ships
The US also shipped supplies to the British at risk
Of joining the war themselves but what can't be missed
The war will come eventually to their shores like this
All hail the British ships they are
Brave convoys and Merchants yes they are
The vital supplies needed to fight this war
And stop the Germans now from conquering their world
Prien Schepke Kretchmar
Under Admiral Doenitz wreak havoc on
The merchants ships and covoys they were feeling fine
The Germans looked upon this as the first happy time
U110 was captured by a British convoy
On it the secret code of the Germans known as ignima
They could decipher messages and avoid the uboats
Reaching their destination the Germans don't know
Then Prien and Schepke MIA KIA
And Krethmar was captured the last Uboat ace
But this was the birth of the roaming wolfpack
Wolfspruden what its called a new style of attack
British intelligence began deciphering the code
Ignigma steemed the tide well for now but who knows
If it can put a stop to the attack if it could
End the first struggle of the Merchant and the wolf
Things were changing for allies the tide
Was now changing in their favor alright
1941 the end of the first Happy time
The Germans needed a new plan of attack so fine
Uboat production yielded many more ships
But inexperienced men would have to man them
So Admiral Doenitz now took more control
Radio contact when his men were on patrol
The british heard the constant chatter and Sonar had caught up
Detect the surface as well as submerged
So the Germans sent packs of uboats playing the numbers game
Hesitant to hit a US ship they aren't official refrain
Don't draw them in the war but all that would change
Pearl Habor and the sinking of USS Rueben James
Hitler would declare war on the US unprovoked
Oepration Paukenschluag was now in full force
Attacking US shipping docked in American Harbors
Uboats were free to attack any ship that their wanting
American Shooting Season was in full swing right
This also known as the second Happy Time
609 ships sunk the Germans just lost 22
Uboats wreaking havoc in the Atlantic so true
Type 11 uboats were built for long range
When they reched the US coast well they had free reign
Submerged by day only to surface at night
Sinking US ships that are docked using the Lights
Like shooting fish in a barrel no resistance was felt
Admiral Doenitz was surprised the operation went so well
The US failure to respond led to the losses
Of lots of tonnage for the Germans Knights Crosses
1942 saw the US wake up
Finally embracing full convoys trust
That this would make a difference and serve to deter
The uboat menace diminished losses occurred
The British and Canadians also chipped in
Trawlers and Corvettes were sent to the East coast to defend
Protecting ships from Boston to Halifax
Blacking out the cities at night also made an impact
The allied efforts saw more Uboats sunk
The Germans turned from the coast for easy pickings
The kriegsmarine were starting to feel the pinch
Uboats and ships alike were now contested every inch
Battle ships destroyed even the mighty Bismarck
And merchants met their destinations more or less unmarred
The balance of war tips at sea the changing tide
This is the end of the second happy time
August 1942