Susan Egan something there

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Belle: (Sung) Theres something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean and he was course and refined
And now hes dear
And so unsure
I wonder why i didnt see it there before
Mrs.Potts: (Spoken) Come along deary lets get you out of those wet things
Beast: (Sung) She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched she didnt shudder at my paw
No it cant be
I'll just ignore
But then she never looked at me that way before
(Spoken) Belle I have something to show you but first you have to close your eyes its a suprise
Belle: (Spoken) May I open them
Beast: Alright alright NOW!
Belle: Oh I cant belive it Iv'e never seen so many books in my life
Beast: You like it
Belle: Its wonderful
Beast: Its yours
Belle: (Sung) New and a bit alarming
Who'd of ever thought that this could be
True that he's no prince charming
But theres something in him that I simply didnt see
(Spoken) Oh this is one of my favorites its King Aurther have you ever read it
Beast: No
Belle: Well you dont know what your missing I would love to read this again wait you can read it first
Beast: No thats alright
Belle: No really your read it
Beast: No you
Belle: No you
Beast: NO! I cant
Belle: You never learned to read
Beast: Only a little and that was long ago
Belle: It just so happens that this is the perfesct book to read aloud come here sit by me
Lumiere: (Sung) Well who'd of thought
Mrs.Potts: (Sung) Well bless my soul
Lumiere: Well who'd of known
Mrs.Potts: Well who indeed
Lumiere: And who'd of guessed they'd come together on their own
Mrs.Potts: Its So peculiar
Both: Wait and see
A few days more
There may be something there that wasnt there before
Cogsworth: (Sung) There might be something there that wasnt there before
Chip: (Spoken) What?
Mrs.Potts: There may be something there that wasnt there before
Chip: Whats there mama
Mrs.Potts: Shh I'll tell you when your older Come along chip lets give them some privacy
Chip: Mama
Mrs.Potts: Yes Chip
Chip: Will I ever get to be a boy again
Mrs.Potts: I hope so
Chip: When will I know
Mrs.Potts: Soon it its to be it will be very soon now come along son
Belle: Knowing not that this was indeed the legendary stone called Excaliber Aurther tried to pull it from the stone he tried once to no evail he tried a second time but still he could not pull it out then for the third time Aurther drew fourth the sword
Beast: So that must mean hes the king
Belle: Wait and see
Beast: I never knew books could do that
Belle: Do what
Beast: Take me away from this place make me forget for a little while
Belle: Forget?
Beast: Who I what I am
Belle: We have something in common you know
Beast: What is that
Belle: In the town where I come from the people think I'm odd
Beast: You?
Belle: So I know how it feels to be different and i know how lonely that can be
for the third time Aurther drew fourth the sword and there arose from the people a great shout Aurther is king
Beast: Told you so